ananta medicare

“When I get up from the chair 10 times more bacterial cells than human ones stand up with me” says Dr Bruce Birren, who participates in creating one of the most accurate maps of microbes that live in and on us.


If a man usually consumes tea, a propensity for one of the most dangerous and killing diseases of stronger sex is guaranteed be twice reduced.


The number of Americans with a history of cancer currently stands at 13.7 million. It is predicted that by 2022 this figure will have risen up to 18 million. The number of cancer survivors is growing.


What a pleasure it is to swim in cool water and hide from the heat in a hot summer day. But people often forget about safety measures and swim in inappropriate places.


Nuts and fat fish, rich in vitamin D, as well as walks under the sun reduce the risk of apoplexy by more than 1/5.


Recently, the researchers from Immunology Centre, University of Georgia State have determined that one of herpes types may cause the disease, known as neovascular senile macular degeneration (SMD), in its turn capable of causing blindness among elderly people.

International Children’s Day

“Ananta Medicare” has a good tradition of taking care about children in the orphanages. The Company has been a sponsor of region orphanage №3 for many years. Also this year the heads of the company have visited this orphanage to congratulate children and give them nice presents.


During the last research, the scientists determined that diseases influence negatively human intelligence.


The researchers of Cancer Center, University of Hawaii (the USA) have produced a new type of anticancer drug BP-1-102. The oral drug attacks a key protein, which starts the process of development of many types of oncological diseases, including lung, breast and skin cancer.


A teenager from the USA developed the method of pancreatic cancer diagnosis at early stages of the development of neoplastic process. 15 year old Jack Andrak became the winner of the competition of scientific achievements among schoolchildren Intel ISEF.