ananta medicare
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Osteoporosis and COVID-19

As the world fights against the crisis caused by COVID-19, the economy and health care systems of both developed and developing countries found themselves in extremely difficult circumstances. Hard decisions regarding the redirection of financial and human resources to the so-called “nonessential” problems expose and thereby reveal other problems. How is it possible to solve the real needs of an osteoporotic patient?

On November 5, 2020 the company "Ananta Medicare" in the association with "Kyiv clinic of modern rheumatology" held another webinar, the theme of which speaks brightly for itself "Ask a question to the professor - the focus is on osteoporosis", and of course, prof. Yegudina Elizaveta Davydovna answered this question.

Osteoporosis patients are at high risk of COVID-19 and prone to serious consequences of infection, so a number of difficult questions for patients arise. On a regular basis every 6 months the patients receiving long-term treatment with denosumab may face a dilemma in assessing the importance of the new injection, which requires to visit a medical facility, where the risk of infection increases. Moreover, the studies have shown that the risk of "rebound" after the last dose of denosumab occurs after 8 months. The manifestations of denosumab are an increase in bone metabolism and spontaneous vertebral fractures.

The risk of influenza-like reaction after intravenous infusion of bisphosphonate is significant and in some studies has occurred in more than 50% of people. However, it should be borne in mind that zoledronic acid at a dose of 5 mg is administered only once a year, thereby reducing the number of hospital visits. The next strategy is to carefully discuss with patients the possibility of the risk of developing an acute phase with fever and myalgia manifestations, thereby avoiding unnecessary fears about mimicking an infection. The decision to use an intravenous bisphosphonate must consider the risks to both the patient when visiting a health facility and to the healthcare professional when administrating the injection at home.


Doctors need to adapt to the challenges posed by COVID-19 and to consider the ways to continue the service of the most vulnerable population, people with chronic diseases and osteoporosis patients.

The company "Ananta Medicare" remains active and makes available the drug Zoleum (zoledronic acid at a dose of 5 mg per 100 ml) in Ukraine for patients with osteoporosis.