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Such a different osteoporosis. How to choose the right treatment

26.05 – 27.05.2021 “Clinic of modern rheumatology” Kyiv city has conducted annual meeting referred to as “May rheumodays” with the participation of practising rheumatologists, general practitioners and other specialists in the online mode. Scheduled and interesting lecture on osteoporosis “Such a different osteoporosis. How to choose the right treatment” was presented by Grigorieva Natalya (Dr. habil. med., professor, head scientist researcher of Institute on Aging, Kyiv).

The main concluding observations were the following postulates:

  • Evaluation of osteoporosis fracture risk and osteoporosis diagnosis is based on the indicants of “gold standard” diagnostic of  dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and FRAX indicant
  • Choice of osteoporosis therapy is based on the recommendations of the guidelines available taking into account existent risk factors

Bisphosphonates - the “first line drugs” in the therapy of  osteoporosis –

  • are effective for prophylaxis and treatment
  • Bone-sparing treatment does not change the risk of COVID – 19 progression and timely order of bone-sparing therapy cause-specific the primary risk of fracture is necessary.

Particularly the professor highlighted positive personal experience and the colleagues experience of the drug Zoleum administration in the Institute on Aging.

You can look through the record of the first day of the conference as well as with the lecture of Prof. Grigorieva (from 3.11 hours of the record and till its end) by link

ZOLEUM. Easy control of osteoporosis!