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News of World Medicine

An effective alternative to insulin injections has been presented.

Scientists of the Massachusetts Technology Institute, the United States, have designed a capsule capable to deliver insulin orally. The invention is intended to relieve diabetics from the need to carry out frequent injections.

Laboratory trials on the efficacy and safety of the capsule have shown that it delivers a sufficient amount of insulin for effective reduction of blood sugar in comparison with insulin injection.

The capsule contains compressed lyophilized insulin (located at the tip of the needle with a biodegradable rod). The needle is attached to a compressed spring on a sugar disk. The stomach acid dissolves the sugar disk as a result the spring is released and the needle penetrates the stomach wall.

Due to its specific shape, the capsule can direct itself in an appropriate way to ensure that the needle contacts the stomach wall. It takes about an hour to completely release insulin into the bloodstream. The testing on pigs has demonstrated that it is possible to successfully deliver over 300 micrograms of insulin. Later, American researchers managed to increase the dose to 5 milligrams.

Source: Eurolab