ananta medicare
News of World Medicine

Antibiotics intake before caesarean section are recognized as dangerous for children

According to doctors a contact with antibiotics at the stage of fetal development may reduce the immune system and increase the risk of lung diseases in children. In fact, mice experiments have shown that antibiotics destroy the important bacteria in the gastro-intestinal tract (GIT), and disturb the entire balance, New Scientist reports.

The experts were able to identify compounds released by the bacteria. These compounds "give children’s lungs a command" to start producing immune cells and "tell" how many they need to be produced as well as when to be used. Even temporary disturbance of bacterial balance in the digestive tract, made newborn mice predisposed to pneumonia and death.

In fact, doctors talk about the practice of using antibiotics before cesarean section. Antibiotics are used for protection against streptococcal infection. But, antibiotics destroy both harmful bacteria and useful microorganisms. It explains why people without genetic risk factors for asthma and other lung diseases become victims of these diseases.

Source: New Scientist.