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News of World Medicine

Elafibranor is effective for patients with autoimmune cholangitis

Elafibranor (GFT505) is an experimental drug designed by the French company Genfit for the use of various metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and steatohepatitis). German scientists suggest that this drug can also be used in the treatment of patients with primary biliary cholangitis, an autoimmune disease characterized by progressive destruction of the intrahepatic bile ducts. This causes liver cirrhosis, kidney failure and cholestasis.

Studies performed by scientists from Mainz University Medical Center have shown that in patients with primary biliary cholangitis who received elafibranor, the level of alkaline phosphatase, the main marker indicating the degree of destructiveness of the immune-inflammatory process, decreased after 12 weeks. This placebo-controlled study included 45 patients with primary biliary cholangitis who did not respond well to ursodeoxycholic acid therapy.  Elafibranor in the stratification group is randomly distributed at a dose of 80 or 120 mg. In the 120 mg group, 79% of patients achieved primary point compared to 6.7% in the placebo group. In addition, there was a decrease in the level of gamma-glutamyltransferase immunoglobulin in patients received elafibranor.

Source: HEALIO