ananta medicare
News of World Medicine

Gingivitis is connected with the high risk of breast cancer developing

The experts have advised to women be careful to their gingiva's health in the period of menopause and after it. Damage or mouth cavity illness in this period shows higher risk of breast cancer developing.

The University of Buffalo's officers, who have searched this problem, consider that the reason of correlation is connected with the bacteria which cause inflammation. They get to the blood flow and as a result influence the breast tissues.

It should be pointed out that gingiva illnesses have been earlier connected with the high risk of heart diseases, insults and diabetes developing. Also the correlation between gingiva health and mouth cancer, esophageal cancer, head and neck carcinoma, pancreatic cancer and lung cancer have been proven earlier.

During the research scientists from Buffalo were watching the health condition of 73 737 women who had had menopause. At the beginning of research no one from the participants had breast cancer. Instead 26.1% of them had gingivitis. In 6.7 years 2 124 women had been diagnosed to have the breast cancer. And the risk of glandula mammaria oncology was 14% higher among women who had gingivitis.

Adapted from Eurolab