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News of World Medicine

Injections and tablets with pollen may help to prevent an allergy

Scientists from London Imperial College propose to treat hay fever with immunotherapy. Patients should be subjected to the increased level of pollen for a long time (at least three years). As a result, they become accustomed to the allergen, The Daily Mail reports.

The study involved 106 patients of the Royal Brompton Hospital. 14 people left the study prior to its completion. Some participants received injections or tablets with a pollen extract and other - placebo. After 2 years, it was found that injections and tablets have successfully struggled with the symptoms of allergies.

However, a year after the end of the study this effect has disappeared. The experts have found no significant differences between participants taking a placebo, and those treated with immunotherapy. The scientists concluded that the treatment course should be at least three years, apparently.

Source: The Daily Mail.