ananta medicare
News of World Medicine

Magnetic resonance imaging is recognized to be the best diagnostic method of strokes

According to new guidelines, issued by the American Academy of neurology, computed tomography (CT) as a method of stroke diagnostics is significantly inferior to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

According to data of the research, MRI allowed exact detection of the stroke in 83% of all cases, where as CT – only in 26%. "Until today computed tomography served as a standard of stroke diagnostics, but in case of ischemic strokes, the possibilities of MRI in many aspects exceed those of CT", - the head of the group that has completed new guidelines, D-r Peter Schellinger of clinical centre of Johannes Wesling in Minden (Germany) observes. 

During CT a whole number of roentgenograms are carried out, and then they are joined with special computer program; in case of MRI computer processing is also carried out, but magnetic and radio waves make up the grounds of the method. 

"Special regimens of MRI allow distinguishing how serious ids the damage to the brain in several types of strokes, - D-r Schellinger explains. – In addition, MRI provides the possibility of early diagnostics of this condition". 

Most frequently there occur ischemic strokes, caused by brain blood-vessel occlusion by the thrombus, and patients’ chances for recovery are much higher, if the treatment is initiated within first three hours after the stroke. Hemorrhagic strokes are caused by a haemorrhage and require a completely different type of treatment. 

In the USA strokes set the third place among causes of death after cardiovascular diseases and cancer.


Adopted from: Eurolab