ananta medicare
News of World Medicine

Physicians say that unhealthy diet can be compensated by taking fish oil.

Fish oil has unique properties. It is capable to protect the brain from dangerous toxins. According to "News Era", fish oil does not affect the neurogenesis (formation and integration of new brain cells), but, it produces a protective effect.

According to researchers, fish oil stimulates the brain’s area responsible for memory, eating and learning skills. The analysis of 185 scientific works relating to the human body fish oil effect has shown that fish oil activates the metabolism. In other words it turns any food in low-calorie.

It is known that the harmful high energy products interfere with neurogenesis adversely. But fish oil eliminates the negative effect of harmful products, such as sugar (sugar stimulates weight gain and disturbs metabolism and cognitive functions). So the brain gets protection. The researchers recommend to take fish oil every day.

Source: MEDdaily