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News of World Medicine

Scientists from Australia have developed a vaccine that can protect against tuberculosis throughout life

   In Australia, there was developed a remedy that, in theory, may be able to protect a human from tuberculosis throughout life. This can help defeat the disease, which annually kills 1.6 million people. The developed vaccine consists of two synthesized peptides, which are usually found in tuberculosis bacteria, combined with other substances to stimulate the immune response in the lungs. This approach can be very effective in controlling airborne tuberculosis. It took more than 5 years to create such vaccine. Its effectiveness was tested in rodents: when they inhaled the vaccine, it stimulated the activity of protective T cells in the lungs.

   At this stage no additional trials other than preclinical studies were performed. It will take a lot of time and a lot of clinical trials to allow to use such vaccine in humans. However, scientists are confidently moving towards the goal, seeking to make the vaccine available in the form of a nasal spray. For today the research is on-going to determine whether it is suitable for humans.

   Currently, there is only one vaccine available for tuberculosis – BCG. BCG is effective only to reduce the risk of illness in children, but is not suitable for elderly with the weakened immune system.

   The author of the developed vaccine, Warwick Britton, assures that it can protect against tuberculosis throughout life.