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News of World Medicine

Scientists have figured out how to treat certain brain cells

Researchers have developed a new way of delivery of medicines directly to certain neurons in the brain. As Eurek Alert notes, it is both method of studying neuronal connections, and method of treatment of various diseases. Usually medicines affect all types of neurons. But there is a risk of some side effects in case when it is necessary to affect only one type of cells. DART is a new method. It was designed by scientists from Duke University and Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

It programs special cells genetically and force them to produce "GPS beacon" enzyme. This enzyme is simply located on the surface of cells. Everything changes when medications that make a connection with the enzyme are used. The medications were used by the scientists in minimal dosages, so they did not affect other cells. They were effectively captured by the cells surface, and rapidly accumulated in an increased concentration.

Within the experiment, the enzyme was attached to two types of neurons (D1 and D2), located in the basal ganglion. This is the area of the brain which is responsible for controlling motor activity. Thus, it was possible to

understand how the mobility problems associated with Parkinson's disease are controlled by AMPA receptor. It is a protein that allows neurons to receive incoming signals from other neurons rapidly. The scientists delivered an agent blocking AMPA, only to one type of neurons or to both with the maximum accuracy.

Source: Eurek Alert.