Hepaklin - Natural liver recoveryIndications
Tablets №60
Natural effective complex based on medicinal plants
- Improves detoxification function and liver recovery as well as normalization of liver enzymes
- Normalizes the production of bile and improves its outflow from the biliary tract
- Provides an antioxidant effect, protects liver cells from damage by toxic substances (alcohol, drugs, etc.)
- Provides antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activities
Recommendations for use:
It can be recommended as the source of herbal biologically active substances in order to create optimal dietary conditions for the functioning of the liver and biliary tract.
- During the course of hepatotoxic drugs (antibiotics, sulfonamides, cytostatic, neuroleptics, anti-fungal drugs, anabolic steroids, and others.).
- In chronic hepatitis of different etiology in remission.
- In fat nonalcoholic liver disease (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis).
- In alcoholic liver damage.
- In biliary dyskinesia of hypotonic type.
- In chronic noncalculous cholecystitis.
- In chronic liver disease with impaired exocrine function.
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Composition (1 film-coated tablet) - extracts: Picrorhiza kurroa rhizome – 100 mg, Andrographis paniculata – 50 mg, Phyllanthus niruri – 50 mg, Tephrosia purpurea – 150 mg, Tinospora cordifolia Stem – 25 mg, Boerhavia diffusa – 25 mg, Piper longum – 25 mg.
Excipients: starch, dicalcium phosphate, polyvinyl pyrrolidone K – 30, microcrystalline cellulose, aerosil, purified talc, color Ponco 4R, shellac.
Recommendation for indication: can be recommended as a source of biologically active substances of plant origin. Helps normalization of liver function, bile passages.
It is recommended to get consultation by a physician before use.
Contraindications: individual hypersensitivity to components, pregnancy and lactation.
Dosage and administration: adults 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day before meal, drink a glass of water (200 ml).
Usage period: 45 days, further usage period to coordinate with a physician.
Energy value 100 g of product: 270 kcal (1130 kJ).
Nutritional value 100 g of product: protein – 40 g, fat – 2,8 g, carbohydrate – 21 g.
Release form: film-coated tablets 541 mg ±7,5 %, packed by 10, 20, 30, 60, 90, 100 and 120 tablets.
Storage conditions: keep in a dry protect from light place at the temperature not higher than 30°C. Keep out of the reach of children.
Shelf life: 3 years from manufacturing date.
Dietary supplement. It is not a medicine.
Doesn’t contain GMO.
«Ananta Medicare Limited»,
legal address: 621, Ring Road Mall, Sector – 3, Rohini, New Delhi – 110085, India, tel +91 1147050531.
manufacturing site address: G-1-265, Phase - II, RIICO Industrial Area, Udyog Vihar, Sri Ganganagar (Raj), India.
Importer: «Evitas Ltd.», 37, Iskrinskaya street, Kharkov, 61001, Ukraine, phone/fax +380(57) 766-07-44/