As we know, premature birth is dangerous for the brain. Now the level of development of the brain in infants born prematurely can be assessed by means of electroencephalography (EEG) and artificial intelligence. According to Zee News, the method was developed by scientists from the University of Helsinki.
The researchers have revealed a compound capable to destroy cancer cells without harm to healthy cells. It helps with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). However, it is likely that the compound is able to fight other types of cancer, Zee News reports.
The experiment was carried out in 1500 persons over 18 years old from Monrovia (Liberia) without a history of Ebola disease. Three groups (500 people per group) received one vaccine or a placebo (saline solution), The Deccan Chronicle reports.
Members of Researchers International Consortium Genotype-Tissue Expression have presented the results of decoding of a genome project obtained after studying 22,000 different gene structures, RSUTE reports. The findings should be used by experts to create new medicines, including anti-cancer drugs.
Scientists have revealed 76 new genes that make bacteria resistant to the most powerful antibiotics. These genes were identified in the study of large amounts of bacterial DNA, Zee News reports. As it turned out, some of the described genes protect bacteria from carbapenems - the last defense line antibiotics working against even multidrug-resistant pathogens.
The University of Illinois has clearly shown how a cholesterol metabolism byproduct (27HC molecule) affects specific immune cells in such a way that they begin to support the spread of cancer. So, a group of researchers have revealed an abnormal activity among immune cells (neutrophils and T cells) at the sites of metastases with a high 27HC level
As Health Day notes the injectable diabetic medicine - glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) - may be released in the form of tablets. Experimental tablets have already been tested on volunteers. More than 1100 people with type 2 diabetes participated in the trials lasting 26 weeks. People were divided into several groups. In the one group, 1 mg Semaglutide injections were performed weekly. Five other groups were given different dosages orally - 2.5, 5, 10, 20 or 40 mg. Another group was given an oral dosage form of the drug with a constant increase in dosage. There was also a placebo group.
For 10 years scientists from the University of Manchester have been worked on the development of powerful inflammatory inhibitors. They have managed to create compounds that suppress the activity of inflammasomes - protein complexes that trigger an inflammatory reaction in many types of cancer, Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular diseases, The Deccan Chronicle reports.
As Zee News notes, scientists have revealed an antibody that prevents Dengue and Zika viruses. As we know the first virus causes headaches, fever and muscle pains. The second virus is dangerous for children. In case of infection of a pregnant woman the virus causes birth defects.
A lot of tumors protect themselves from the body's immune system by creating a barrier from tangled blood vessels. Those vessels feed the tumor and prevent the immune cells to attack the tumor. As Medical Xpress notes, scientists of the University of Western Australia and Harry Perkins Medical Research Institute have developed a new remedy that can solve this problem.