Paleopharmaceuticals based on Baltic amber are effective against drug-resistant infections

On June 20, 2021, in Dnipro, competitions were held in the new for the Federation of Powerlifting WPF KRAWA hall. 4 Absolute Champions in different weight categories have been chosen

Researchers have isolated the compound attinimycin, which is synthesized by Pseudonocardia and Streptomyces bacteria

On the 12th of June in Kharkiv city on the basis of football center “Sherwood” as part of competitions «Kharkiv Footbol Medical Cup 2021» a match of playing physicians had place in two leagues

26.05 – 27.05.2021 “Clinic of modern rheumatology” Kyiv city has conducted annual meeting referred to as “May rheumodays” with the participation of practising rheumatologists, general practitioners and other specialists in the online mode

Scientists from Kyoto University and Fukui University have managed to stimulate tooth growth in mice suffering from congenital dental agenesis

Canadian scientists have designed a herbal coronavirus vaccine

The next meeting of powerlifters in the form of the 2021 Ukrainian Championship in association with the Powerlifting Federation WPF KRAWA took place in Kharkiv on June 6, 2021

On April 23, 2021 a master class "Respiratory diseases during the pandemic COVID-19: differential diagnosis and treatment" was held in the online format within the All-Ukrainian professional respiratory school in Odessa